Eclectico, Romantico & Revivalista in Olhão
The ARU plan (Urban Rehabilitation Area) of Olhão distinguishes 10 building typologies from 'Rural Popular' to 'Patrimonio Cultural'. We...
Former 'Estalagem Caique' building still a disgrace in Olhão
Estalagem Caíque (60/70) The desolate and disgrace state of the former 'Estalagem Caíque' on Rua 18 de Junho needs no further...
New future for a Modernist Building in Olhão
The Olhão former Fish Auction is 'Modernist Architecture' from 1956. The fish auction was intended for the transaction of bulk fish. The...
10 Project from the "Cubist Architecture Tour" in Olhão
10 Project from the "Cubist Architecture Tour" in Olhão presented by . On our website you also find...
How Beuys ended up in the Algarve
My experiences with the charismatic German artist Ernst Föll (1949-2023) - I always affectionately called him Ernesto - usually begin...
Hoe Beuys in de Algarve belandde
Mijn belevenissen met de charismatische Duitse kunstenaar Ernst Föll (1949-2023) - ik noemde hem altijd liefdevol Ernesto - beginnen...
New: Portimão architectural walking tour (Modernist) Architecture, Art & More
A walking Tour in Portimão with (Modernist) Architecture, Art & More The modernist architecture part in Portimão consists largely of the...
Huelva: An Architectural Guide
Huelva: An Architectural Guide, the end result of a close and fruitful collaboration between the Ministry for Development, Land Use and...
The three Musketeers of 'Modernist Architecture' in the Algarve
The pioneers of 'Modern' architecture in the Algarve in the 1950s-'60s At the same time that architecture of the "official taste"...
New: Ilha / Praia de Faro architectural walking tour. Now on three Apps...
Enjoy your holiday or day trip on ILha / Praia de Faro with this architectural discovery tour